Sunday, June 1, 2008

Hot Nights in Hotlanta

By Aaron Jarvis

Whether it was the ice-breaker games, the time spent sharing stories on the bus or the traveling tours through Atlanta, the public relations May trip to Georgia was an unforgettable experience.

The premier night when we arrived at Georgia Tech would be the classic example of how college students can get to know one another. Several rounds of “Never Have I Ever” ensued, where we all learned something new about our classmates, and helped bring everyone closer together. The mornings were early, the nights were late, but we were all together and the fun was exactly what I was anticipating.

The class was invited to the one-and-only Mr. Stephen Brown’s condo in downtown Atlanta, which furthered our understanding of what the public relations lifestyle can be like on a hot Atlanta night. Stephen is the Senior VP of Manning Selvage & Lee, which our class had the honor of touring before attending a nice get-together on Stephen’s behalf.

Everyone’s doors were open in the Georgia Tech dorm where we lodged for the trip. At night it was a constant leap-frog type of mingling, somewhat of a door-to-door getting to know everyone better, and that is exactly what happened.

I am extremely satisfied with the class and even more satisfied knowing that I am taking away valuable memories and experiences from having been a part of it. Many deserved thanks go out to Lisa Sisk, who taught the class and coordinated the trip, Mrs. Dominick, Stephen Brown, and everyone else who opened their doors to our class while in Atlanta.

The days were hot, the nights were exciting and the overall trip was unforgettable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Steven his so cool! LOL